
哲学的学习鼓励学生对现实进行深入和批判性的思考, our relationship to the world, reasoning, and values. 该专业开设了形而上学(研究根本存在的东西)的核心课程。, epistemology (the study of knowledge), logic (the study of reasoning), ethics (the study of obligation & well-being), aesthetics (the study of art & beauty), and the history of philosophy.

Because of its emphasis on critical thinking, reading, and writing skills, 哲学与几乎任何其他课程都能很好地搭配.

Fast Facts
  • 培养对美好生活至关重要的批判性思维能力.
  • Internationally renowned philosophers visit annually.
  • Philosophy alumni pursue a wide range of careers.
  • 哲学专业的学生在GMAT、LSAT和GRE考试中表现优异.


Two students discussing book


What You'll Study




哲学系的教员兴趣广泛, including metaphysics, epistemology, theoretical and applied ethics, aesthetics, the history of philosophy, and public philosophy (e.g., philosophy for children). 

Headshot of Andrew Kania-2023
Andrew Kania, Ph.D.
Acting Chair
" "
Joseph B. Bullock, Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor
" "
Teófilo Reis, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Headshot of Ronni Gura Sadovsky
Ronni Gura Sadovsky, J.D./Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Student Opportunities

Thinking outside the box – and the classroom

Research Opportunities

学院鼓励学生参加哲学会议,并将他们的作品提交给著名的本科期刊. Undergraduate philosophy...

Study Abroad



Philosophy for Children

In a unique service-learning class, 学生学习儿童哲学教学的理论与实践. Students study...

Student Organizations


Student Awards and Recognition

Annual Hemlock Award for Best Philosophical Essay


Lecture Series and Annual Events

Stieren Arts Enrichment Series

一年一度的史蒂文艺术丰富系列举办了一系列的艺术人才, but also features an internationally...

When You Graduate


Philosophy builds skills in critical thinking, comprehension, problem solving, 以及对任何职业都至关重要的口头和书面沟通, 也能让你批判性地思考指导你一生的价值观.


The careers of Trinity philosophy majors are diverse and wide-ranging. Some majors pursue graduate degrees 在一系列领域,包括哲学、商业、医学和法律. 但是,通过学习哲学获得的技能对任何职业(以及生活的其他大部分)都是有价值的!).

Career Areas:

  • Academia
  • Business
  • Communications
  • Healthcare
  • Information Science
  • Journalism
  • Law
  • Policy
  • Social Work




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